

Q: What movie can you rewatch over and over again?

A: Top Gun!

Q: What’s your favorite seat on an airplane?

A: The aisle for sure!

Q: What’s your favorite thing about the place where you live?

A: The color of the sky. This is why we live in Big Sky Country!



Q: What type of music do you listen to?

A: Country Music and Oldies

Q:What is your favorite tv series?

A: The Voice

Q: Who is your favorite person to travel with?

A: My Kids and Grandkids



Q: Where would you time-travel, if it were possible?

A: Back when life first began on Earth and go from there.

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

A: New Zealand

Q: What is your favorite hobby?

A: Collecting rocks, fossils and crystals.



Q: What movie can you rewatch over and over again?

A: Lonesome Dove

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

A: New Zealand

Q: If you could eliminate one food so no one could eat it ever again, what would you destroy?

A: Sweet Potatoes



Q: What’s the best trip (traveling wise) you ever had?

A: Thailand- the food and beaches were amazing

Q: What is your favorite restaurant?

A: Last Chance Cider Mill

Q: What is your idea of fun?

A: Sitting on a patio with friends



Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: Justice League (Zack Snyder's director cut)

Q: How many countries have you visited outside of your own?

A: Mexico, Germany, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq

Q: What movie can you rewatch over and over again?

A: Gladiator - Russell Crow (My cat Max's full name is Maximus Decimus Meridius)



Q: What is your favorite sport or physical activity?

A: Pickleball....EVERY DAY if I could

Q: What movie can you rewatch over and over again?

A: The Proposal

Q: Sweet, salty, or sour?

A: Salty



Q: Do you enjoy the outdoors? What’s your favorite outdoor activity?

A: I Love being outdoors - I would be Camping, hiking and snowboarding all year if I didn't have to work!

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

A: I would live anywhere the wind did not blow for an entire year!

Q: Where would you time-travel, if it were possible?

A: I think I would like the 1950's. Classier people, cars and fashion!



Q: Do you enjoy the outdoors? What's your favorite outdoor activity?

A: I love to plant flowers, feed the wildlife that visit my yard, or just sit outside and enjoy the warmth.

Q: What's your favorite thing about the place where you live?

A: The wildlife that visit, all year round. Numerous different bird species, squirrels, turkeys and deer. I could watch them all day.

Q: Do you have any hidden talents? What can you do?

A: I can quickly spot things that are out of place, like misspelled words, items that are missing or have been moved, things that are just out of place. I also have great memory recall.



Q: What type of music do you listen to?

A: I listen to all types of music, my favorite is Rock. "Music is Life"

Q: What's your favorite thing about the place you live?

A: I love Butte, I have never lived anywhere else. Butte is the "Can Do City" and is a very close knit community and if anyone needs help the community always steps up and helps in any way they can.

Q: What is your idea of fun?

A: Going to concerts is my idea of fun, it's how I recharge my batteries, I have been to so many concerts I have lost count.